Our board of directors has three official committees. You can find out more about what they do and who is involved in them below.

Audit and Risk Committee


Provide the board with assurance as to the effectiveness of Bromford's risk and internal control frameworks and oversee both internal and external audit functions.

View the terms of reference for the audit and risk committee 



Remuneration and Nominations Committee


Deal with any matters related to the appointment, removal or remuneration of non-executive and executive directors.

View the terms of reference for the remuneration and nominations committee



Treasury Committee


To assist the executive board and the BHG board in the formulation and review of treasury and funding plan (including the management and mitigation of risk).

View the terms of reference for the treasury committee



Customer and Communities Influence Network (CCIN)

Our CCIN is not part of our formal governance structure but has strong links to the Board and plays an important role in scrutinising service delivery and performance. View the CCN Terms of Reference.